Monday, December 17, 2012

I wish I could spend all of my life times with you
Tell you I Love You
Tell you I can't live without you
Tell you that you're the only Christmas present I need

The Only One.

Please, stay by my side and don't leave me alone.
Yes, I fell in love with you.

I would like to be yours.
I can't promise that we're getting together forever.
But I can promise that I'll give you all of my love in the rest of time.

Can you please be my ONLY one? :)
And I wish we can be real 
Babe ♥ :)

如果没能 让我自由
麻烦 你 放手吧

你的 答案 
没 让我失望 :) 

我也 多么希望 每天 吃一颗 糖
然后 告诉自己
王燕燕啊啊啊啊 那些都 只是过去
就不要再 介意了
介意 得那么多 你就不用 嫁人了啊啊啊
人家 连头 也不回了

但 心 似乎比脑袋 还清醒
说 不可能 会忘得了

讨厌 自己那么清醒
讨厌 自己 把任何事情都分析得那么 仔细

干嘛 就不能热血 一点
轰轰烈烈 爱一场

如果 我有的 是那么多一点点 的 胆量
他妈的 多一点点 就好